State Football Championship Game Info: Tickets must be purchased through GoFan (link on IHSAA site). Game will be Friday (11/22) at 5:30PM (doors open at 4:45PM) at the ICCU Dome (Pocatello). Seating on SOUTH side. Wear your DHS colors! We'd love to see you there!
about 1 month ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
GoFan Football Ticket info
Reminder: State Football tickets need to be purchased through the GOFAN app (link on IHSAA website as well). NO TICKETS AVAILABLE AT VENUE! Semi-Final game on Saturday (11/16) at 4PM against FIRTH in the Mini Dome (Pocatello). Seating on the NORTHSIDE of facility.
about 2 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
Go Fan flyer
State Championship Football tickets must be purchased through the GoFan app for students and adults. Game this Friday (11/8)@7PM at DHS field!
about 2 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
GoFan Football Ticket info
DHS Parent Teacher Conferences will be November 7th from 4-8PM and November 8th from 7-10AM. We'd love to see you there!
2 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
DHS Homecoming information has been pushed out via email and posted on the 24-25 DHS Google Classroom for students to see all the fun activities for the week!
4 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
DHS PICTURE DAYS Seniors: 9/4 (TOMORROW) Other Grades: 9/5 (Thursday) Picture packets were handed out last week.
4 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
DHS Parents/Guardians, your student will have been sent home with information from CJSD about Health Care bill 1329 and Parental Consent forms (to receive care). These need to be reviewed, signed, and the Consent form returned to Declo High School by September 3rd. If form is lost, students can access it on 24-25 DHS Google Classroom or if we have an email linker in PowerSchool copies should be emailed. Thank you!
4 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
A better format of the day one schedule has been added to the News section of the DHS Website.
5 months ago, David Cole
DHS Registration August 6th 8AM-2PM and August 7th 1PM-7PM Seniors make sure you are up-to-date on your immunizations (Meningococcal (MenACWY) vaccine). ATHLETES make sure if you need to have a physical completed you get that done BEFORE school starts.
5 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
DHS has opened ClassChoice, a tool your students can use to view/alter next years schedule. Directions have been sent out via DHS Google Classroom, if they need access code have them contact Ms. Kirkpatrick on 6/3.
7 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
DHS Parents: Please be aware that your student will keep their issued Chromebook over the summer and is their responsibility. They will need this next school year. Thank you and have a wonderful summer.
7 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
Say “hello” to two-way messaging in the Cassia County School District app! The same district app now offers class streams, class announcements, and parent-teacher chat. Look for your personalized invitation to begin using this feature in our app on May 17th. Download for Android : Download for iPhone :
8 months ago, Cassia County School District
DHS Parent Teacher Conference: March 14th 4PM-8PM and March 15th 7AM-10AM. We would love to see all our parents & students to update you on their progress and answer any questions/concerns you may have. Spanish interpreter will be available on March 14th after 5:30PM if needed.
10 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
March 4th Alex Boye will be doing presentations for Cassia County students AND will have an evening presentation that ALL community members are welcome to. Potato Bar at BHS Cafeteria from 6:00 - 6:45 PM (Free to the first 300 people who come – Sponsored by PAuSe). Singer Alex Boye's "You Are a 10!" is an empowering event dedicated to positive self-image, resilience, and mental health. Evening Event begins at 7PM in the King Fine Arts Center - We'd love to see you there.
10 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
DHS Drama Club presents Guys & Dolls beginning March 6-9 at 7PM at DHS Auditorium. Tickets: $7 Students, $10 Adults. Please come out and support our students.
10 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
Guys & Dolls Flyer
District Boys Basketball game has been moved to Valley High School (882 Valley Road South Hazelton, ID) on February 13th at 7PM. Please come out and show our boys support in their final games!
11 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
SENIORS/Senior Parents: We are trying to gather baby pictures for the Graduation slide show. These can be sent digitally to Mrs. Silcock (, please include student name in message. LAGOON Trip: $60 payment is needed to Mrs. Heward (English Teacher) by February 29th. Anticipated trip date May 10th (Friday).
11 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
DHS FAFSA Night January 29th in DHS Computer Lab (back hall) from 5:30PM-7PM. Students and parents will need to have created FSA IDs to complete FAFSA.
11 months ago, Brandi Kirkpatrick
January 17, 2024: Cassia County School District values the safety of our students and staff, and attempts to consider all factors prior to making any decisions regarding school delays or closures. When making a decision, the school district first works closely with the highway departments in each of our four communities: Burley, Declo, Malta, and Oakley. This is because they are the experts in road conditions, and the district values their input. They drive the roads very early and try to determine safety for buses. Once the highway departments have assessed road conditions, they communicate with the school district transportation department, who then communicates with the school district superintendent. In addition, the school district also monitors the weather conditions through their partnerships with local weather sources, as well as considers a number of other important factors, such as child care for parents who must go to work, food insecure children, and children who might be left unsupervised at home if they are not in school. Once all this information is gathered, the superintendent then confers with the school board chairman, and a decision is made based on the information available. Because Cassia County School District is so geographically diverse, the same decision may not be made district-wide. Also, weather conditions change rapidly in Cassia County, which may at times cause the school district to re-evaluate and dismiss students earlier than normal. Whenever possible, the school district does attempt to make the call by 6:00am when weather is questionable. January 17, 2024: El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Cassia valora la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal e intenta considerar todos los factores antes de tomar cualquier decisión con respecto a retrasos o cierres escolares. Al tomar una decisión, el distrito escolar primero trabaja estrechamente con los departamentos de carreteras de cada una de nuestras cuatro comunidades: Burley, Declo, Malta y Oakley. Esto se debe a que son los expertos en las condiciones de las carreteras y el distrito valora sus aportaciones. Conducen por las carreteras muy temprano y tratan de determinar la seguridad de los autobuses. Una vez que los departamentos de carreteras han evaluado las condiciones de las carreteras, se comunican con el departamento de transporte del distrito escolar, quien luego se comunica con el superintendente del distrito escolar. Además, el distrito escolar también monitorea las condiciones climáticas a través de sus asociaciones con fuentes climáticas locales, así como también considera una serie de otros factores importantes, como el cuidado infantil para los padres que deben ir a trabajar, niños con inseguridad alimentaria y niños que podrían ser dejados sin supervisión en casa si no están en la escuela. Una vez que se recopila toda esta información, el superintendente consulta con el presidente de la junta escolar y se toma una decisión basada en la información disponible. Debido a que el Distrito Escolar del Condado de Cassia es tan diverso geográficamente, es posible que no se tome la misma decisión en todo el distrito. Además, las condiciones climáticas cambian rápidamente en el condado de Cassia, lo que en ocasiones puede causar que el distrito escolar reevalúe y despida a los estudiantes antes de lo normal. Siempre que sea posible, el distrito escolar intenta hacer la llamada antes de las 6:00 am cuando el clima es cuestionable.
12 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury
January 17, 2024: Due to reports of drifted roads by the Highway District Patrol, Oakley Elementary and Oakley High School will participate in a remote learning day from home. All other Cassia County schools will be in normal session as of right now. Should circumstances change, we will notify everyone as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate this ever-changing weather and the diversity of the landscape of our district. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at and we will be happy to respond. January 17. 2024: Debido a los informes de carreteras desviadas por parte de la Patrulla del Distrito de Carreteras, Oakley Elementary y Oakley High School participarán en un día de aprendizaje remoto desde casa. Todas las demás escuelas del condado de Cassia estarán en sesión normal a partir de ahora. Si las circunstancias cambian, se lo notificaremos a todos lo antes posible. Gracias por su comprensión y paciencia mientras navegamos por este clima siempre cambiante y la diversidad del paisaje de nuestro distrito. Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con nosotros a y estaremos encantados de responderle.
12 months ago, Jennifer Woodbury