Mrs. Christina Branson

Christina Branson grew up in the Pacific Northwest. Trips to the Pike Place Market, the Space Needle, and the Tulip Festival are some of her favorite childhood memories.  She enjoys cycling, art, and Disney. Christina is married to Calvin Branson. They have two children; Kailey and their two granddaughters live in Burley, and Mikaila lives in California. 

Mrs. Branson has a master’s degree in special education with credentials in mild/moderate disabilities, moderate/severe disabilities, including Autism, and an English Learner authorization. Her 25 years of educational experience include being a yard aide, cafeteria worker, classroom paraprofessional, classroom teacher, mentor, behavior resource teacher, and elementary administration.

Mrs. Branson believes all students can learn, regardless of their ability, stating that “Learning never stops. It shapes and forms students into the adults they will become”. She also believes that family and community involvement help students become well-rounded citizens.