October 24, 2022
On Monday, October 31 students may wear their costumes to school. Please remember these guidelines for costumes at school: There can be no masks, gory costumes, or props that ca...
October 17, 2022
Mountain View Elementary Family Night Dia de los Muertos Tuesday, October 25 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. Come when you can and stay as long as you’d like. • Walking Tacos for dinner • Fac...
October 5, 2022
Thursday, October 6 is Volleyball Pink Night Let's fill the boot to help Kaiya Hosteen Kick Cancer! The first 100 people wearing pink at the game will get a free cookie! Home...
October 3, 2022
Student Flu Mist & Staff Flu Shot Schedule The Health Department will be coming to our schools for Staff flu shots and student flu mist on the following dates & times: Staff, ...
September 14, 2022
Mountain View will be participating in "Starts with Hello" week during the week of September 19th-22nd! This program was started by parents of Sandy Hook school children in 2013 a...
September 12, 2022
Monday, September 12 is Pizza Hut Day! Order anything on Monday with the code 1012 and Mountain View will get some of the proceeds. Thanks for your support!
September 7, 2022
The District has a new app to keep you updated on the latest school information. It is called Cassia County SD. It's the easiest way to find any information from the school or t...
September 1, 2022
We've had a great first two weeks here at Mountain View. Here are a couple of reminders for important things as we look ahead.
There is no school on Monday, September 5 becaus...
August 26, 2022
Do you need some Bobcat Gear? Our PTO is selling Bobcat T-shirts and Sweatshirts. T-shirts are black and cost $12. Sweatshirts are green and cost $35 for youth sizes and $37 fo...
June 12, 2022
Recognizing our Employees of the Month
All employees of the month over the past school year were recognized as a group on May 13. Thank you all!!
June 12, 2022
Honoring Staff Members Retiring this Year
Representing over 300 years of service, we honor those retiring from Cassia School District this year and wish them endless summer vac...
June 12, 2022
Our District's Employees of the Year!
Congratulations to our employees of the year!
Teacher of the year, Dan Thomander, Cassia high school.
Alesha Alesha Joe Stringham , clas...