Athletic Code
*Participation in extra-curricular sports programs is a privilege rather than a right. We encourage all students at Raft River Jr./Sr. High School to become involved in some type of sports program. It should be recognized that students selected for a sports program represent Raft River Jr./Sr. High School and are expected to abide by certain rules and regulations.
Academic Eligibility
Idaho High School Activities Association requirements to be academically eligible for athletics: a student must be enrolled full time and have received passing grades in at least five full credit subjects in the previous semester or grading period for which is granted. An incomplete or conditional grade received at the end of the semester counts as a failure until the deficiency is removed.
Raft River Jr./Sr. High School: a student must maintain a 2.0 (C) average and maintain a passing grade in all classes. If the student is below the 2.0 and still has met the criteria of passing all classes, he /she may continue to participate on a probationary period. The student will take a grade sheet to all of his/her and as long as the grade point average remains 2.0 or better, and the student is passing all classes, he /she will continue to participate. However, if the student falls below the 2.0 average, or is failing a class, that student shall become ineligible for the remainder of the grading period.
All student athletes must maintain a 2.0 GPA on their quarterly report card to be eligible for athletics. (Refer to Cassia School District Policy #572 at
Attend school for at least 1/2 day on the day of the contest/or practice unless prior arrangements are made with the coach or school administrator
Students must have their athletic activity fees paid or arrangements made with the school officials to do so.
Recognize that smoking, drinking, possession of cigarettes, e-cigarettes, beer, liquor, or illegal drugs will result in suspension of students from above activities at the discretion of the school administrator. Involvement in a felony or misdemeanor crime will also be considered major offenses and at the discretion of the school administrator deem a student ineligible for extracurricular participation. Consequences for inappropriate behavior could include but is not limited to: not participating for the remainder of season, athletic/extracurricular suspension for a set number of weeks/ contests, referral to law enforcement.
Ride to the game/ activity with the school unless other arrangements are made with school administration ahead of time.
Daily Attendance
*A student must be in attendance for at least two periods in order to participate in a practice, activity or game on that day. Exceptions may be made if the absence was due to a school activity or another extenuating circumstance approved by the coach/principal.
Inappropriate Behavior
*Inappropriate and/or unsportsmanlike conduct are behaviors that are detrimental to the athletic program and will not be tolerated. Behavior such as, but not limited to: profanity, stealing equipment, faculty abuse, and/or poor citizenship has no place in the Raft River Athletic program. Abusive behavior of this nature may be cause for the suspension of an athlete from the program.
Physical Conditioning
All student athletes grades 7-12 are subject to random drug screenings administered through the district. (Refer to Cassia School District #151 Policy #568 at
*IHSAA requires that an athlete receive a physical examination prior to his/her first practice in the freshman and junior years. Interim questionnaires are required each year following the first physical.
*Student insurance is the responsibility of the parent. All participants are required to have insurance whether through the school or a family insurance program. Information on student insurance is available in the high school office.
Due Process
*The administration of athletic rules is subject to the rights of due process and the student athlete will be afforded the same rights, which are guaranteed by the law. If a student or parent is aggrieved of process or disposition of any discipline or suspension in athletics, they have the right to be heard and should contact the athletic director for future procedure.