About Our School
Burley Junior High School is located in Burley, Idaho. Our school consists of over 500 amazing seventh and eighth graders, 35 fabulous teachers, and an awesome array of media center specialists, administration, counselors, food services, and maintenance staff. We offer the core classes in addition to various electives such as: Seasonal Crafts, Exploring Woodworking, and Reading for Pleasure being a few examples!
The staff is committed to providing the best educational experience possible - we strive for excellence in all we do!
State Report Card
The State Department of Education’s revamped K-12 Report Card is available online, providing a user-friendly way for parents, educators and others to access information about schools and districts throughout the state. Part of the state’s new accountability system, the new site provides information about multiple student performance indicators, offering context in addition to the data.
You can access the report card online search tools at idahoschools.org.
Burley Junior High School, Burley Idaho
700 W. 16th Street
Burley, Idaho 83318
Phone: (208) 878-6613