Title I-C: Migrant Education Program

Migrant Education Program Logo


1950 Hansen Avenue

Burley, ID 83318

(208) 878-6618


Kim Bedke

Melissa Farran

Ysalia Lara

Elisa Rodriguez

Robert Gomez

The purpose of the Migrant Program is to remove the educational barriers encountered by students who are living a migratory lifestyle. 

A student is MIGRANT if they meet the following criteria:
Within the last 3 years the child moved alone or with a parent/guardian/spouse and the move was from one school district to another
The move involved a change in residence, the primary purpose of the move was to seek or obtain employment in an agricultural or fishing activity, the employment is temporary or seasonal, and does not require permanent relocation

There are currently over 200 children enrolled in the Cassia Joint School District Migrant Program!

Unique Migrant Program Services Include:

  • Migrant preschool collaboration with The Community Council of Idaho to ensure kindergarten readiness

  • Employing a Migrant Graduation Specialist to help support students at the secondary level

  • Identifying out-of-school youth

  • Family referrals to health and community services

  • PAC (Parent Advisory Council)  meetings, minimum of 3 times per year

Migrant Education Program Staff

Ysalia Lara: Migrant Family Liaison

Robert Gomez: Migrant Regional Identification & Recruitment

Elisa Rodriguez: Migrant Family Liaison

Melissa Farran: Migrant Student Support Services