Talk to Someone If I Have a Problem

Safe Schools Anonymous Reporting
Welcome to our SafeSchools Alert Tip Reporting System. This system allows you to quickly, easily, and anonymously report safety concerns to school officials 24/7/365. Help us create a safer learning environment - to submit a tip, click the link and get started
Protocols for Solving Problems
A big part of solving any problem is talking to the right person.
We work to address problems as close to the origin as possible. There are protocols for communicating and handling issues or concerns prior to requesting to visit with the Superintendent, or School Board for that matter.
Teacher/Coach > Principal > Superintendent > Board
It's important to start the conversation at the point of origin. Make an appointment to visit with the teacher/coach to discuss the situation. If you can't find a solution after this first conversation, you need to involve the building administrator/athletic director.
If you feel that the process has broken down or wasn't entirely resolved by the first steps, you can request to speak to the Superintendent. Once you have spoken to the building administrator, complete the Patron Concern Form 1012F1 and email/contact Angie Adams at the central office and request an appointment. She will work with you from there.
We always hope that early conversations with the right folks in the right setting brings resolution, but sometimes it takes more conversation to fully resolve concerns. And sometimes you may not agree with the decisions. School district employees make decisions based on district policies, safety, and state and federal laws. Situations are handled on a case by case basis and we strive to find positive resolutions.