Driver's Ed Information
For more information contact Patricia Vega at 208-878-6600, ext. 105

Burley High School
(updated 3/6/2025)
Summer-June 2 through June 27, 2025
Instructor-Aaron Merrill
Summer-June 2 through June 23, 2025
Instructor-Art Silva
There is a $175 fee for the class. The fee pays for gas, maintenance of the vehicle and the instructor. If the student fails the class, the $175 is nonrefundable.
To complete driver's education, a student is required to attend 30 hours of class time, 6 hours of driving time and 6 hours of observation in the back seat of the car, while other students are driving.
Students are expected to be on time. Three tardies will be counted as an absence and the student will be required to make up time. Students are allowed to miss up to 6 hours and will be required to make-up this time. After the third absence the student will be dropped from the class, no refund.
Oakley High School
Instructor- Daniel Thomander
Declo High School
Instructor-Daniel Thomander
Raft River High School
Driver's Ed classes will be offered in