October 1, 2022
To stay up to date on all things Declo Jr. High join our Facebook-@declobuzz Instagram-@declojrhigh or download the district app Cassia County SD.
September 27, 2022
The Declo High School Boys Basketball program would like to invite your child grades 1 through 5 to attend our youth basketball skills camp on October 14th and October 21st at Dec...
August 10, 2022
Please attend our back to school night on Thursday August 11 from 5:00 PM until 6:30 PM. Try out your locker! Find your Classrooms!! Meet the Declo Jr High Staff!! Have a Tre...
June 12, 2022
Recognizing our Employees of the Month
All employees of the month over the past school year were recognized as a group on May 13. Thank you all!!
June 12, 2022
Honoring Staff Members Retiring this Year
Representing over 300 years of service, we honor those retiring from Cassia School District this year and wish them endless summer vac...
June 12, 2022
Our District's Employees of the Year!
Congratulations to our employees of the year!
Teacher of the year, Dan Thomander, Cassia high school.
Alesha Alesha Joe Stringham , clas...